
I read a lot.  But, I’m usually not reading with any other people, so I don’t have anyone to talk to about the books I read. It’s sad, because I often have a lot to say.

But wait! We have an internet! Hooray, internet!

…So, I’ll post here every time I read a book.  To begin with, I’ll have a large backlog of posts that I wrote while I was sorting out this whole blog-having business, so they’ll come out very quickly at first. After that, I’ll catch up with myself and you’ll have to wait. But I’ll try to post what I’m reading next, in case you, hypothetical reader, would like to read with me.

Don’t expect book reviews here.  I plan to write about my thoughts on a book.  Sometimes, this will slide almost into literary analysis. Sometimes, I’ll read books that make arguments and I’ll need to address what they say.  And once in a while you may just get my strange associations.

A word about my reading tastes.  Most of what I read will fall into one of three categories: books of a literary nature (often but not always”the classics”), nonfiction books of professional interest, and fantasy or science fiction books.

I’m a librarian, so by “professional interest,” I mostly mean things that have to do with technology, media and information. Occasionally, I may delve into the history of the book, but I can’t say I deal with that much in my day to day professional life.

I may also occasionally blog about other media I consume. In particular, I am interested in board games, but I also watch movies and some TV (I blame Netflix!!), so you might hear about that, as well.

The title of my blog is a punning reference to Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem Christabel, with which I am somewhat obsessed.

There is not wind enough to twirl
The one red leaf, the last of its clan,
That dances as often as dance it can,
Hanging so light, and hanging so high,
On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.

All right. On with the blog!

One response to “About

  1. I’m not sure where we have been discussing the possibility of reading an anthology together, so I am putting my ideas here.

    I have been browsing and thinking about a book to read together and have a couple of ideas.

    The Bridge Called my Back would be good. I read it when it first came out and it’s worth rereading. I can’t find my copy to check, but as I remember it is mostly women of color from the USA. More experiential (essentialist?) than theoretical.
    Innana Publishing, a Canadian feminist press, offers a free book for joining their mailing list (under CWS/CF 34th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL OFFER). I requested Feminisms(s) on the Edge of the Millennium: Rethinking Foundations and Future Debates, essays edited by Krista Hunt and Christine Saulnier. They have other interesting titles, too.
    I also searched Amazon under international feminism. Some of what I found was totally irrelevant. The one I thought looked most interesting was Dialogue and Difference: Feminisms Challenge Globalization, by Marguerite Waller, Sylvia Marcos. It is part of a series Mohanty edits, is relatively shorter and cheap $8 used, and published in 2005.
    You might check that list and see what attracts you. There are several coming out early next year that we might wait for. One on Africa and another Islamic.

    Feminist Press also has some good possibilities. (Feminist Press, categories, Feminist theory). The one I noticed first is On Shifting Ground: Muslim Women in the Global Era. Edited by Fereshteh Nouraie-Simone. Published 2005. 300pp. $15.
    Encompassing Gender: Integrating International Studies and Women’s Studies. Edited by Mary M. Lay, Janice Monk & Deborah S. Rosen felt. Older, bigger, and more expensive.

    My original idea came when I was procrastinating about reading and review an anthology with a human rights approach, but it turned out to be one to incite anger rather than discussion. I just posted it. Good, but I’d like something different.

    Why don’t you check out some of these when you have time and let me know what you think, or if you have other suggestions. I haven’t thought much about actual structuring of readings, such as how much we’d read over how long. Ideas there?

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